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05/12/18 BBC Sounds podcast series 1800 seconds on autism

8/10/18 Autism Journeys podcast

04/08/17 BBC Ouch podcast


30/08/16 BBC 5 Live

06/08/16 BBC World Service on hidden disability toilet signs

2902/06 TFL Radio ad that I feature in (I am also on some cool posters)

14/08/15 BBC Essex interview

27/03/15 Smoke Radio

2014 CCR (Chelmsford Community Radio) series giving Autistic adults the opportunity to talk about things that are important to them.

19/11/14 BBC Radio 5 live Peter Aliens Show

28/10/14 BBC World Service outlook talking about my school experiences

13/06/14 BBC Radio 4 Last Word on the death of Autism pioneer Lorna Wing

25/04/14 BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine show

09/01/14 Autism Matters podcast A podcast published by Sage along with the Autism Journal, This podcast has a discussion between myself and Dr Judith Gould, about women and girls on the spectrum as well as safety.

Radio Polski ran a news piece on women on the spectrum

26/08/13 BBC Woman’s and Men’s hour.

27/07/13 BBC Asian Network 10 O’clock News. I was asked to comment on a story about Jcole and Drake who released a song with negative lyrics about Autism there was a subsequent backlash from the Autism community and Jcole and Drake apologized, the lyrics have been removed from future sales of the record.

12/07/13 BBC Ouch podcast

22/05/13 BBC World Service interview on specialist employment).

12/05/13 BBC Pick of the Week feature on My Radio 4 documentary

09/05/13 BBC Radio 4 Knowing Me Knowing Autism

30/04/13 BBC London Radio interview

03/08/12 BBC Radio 4 Today Programme

02/04/12 BBC World Service

13/09/12 BBC Radio 4 Philosopher’s Arms

10/08/09 BBC Ouch podcast

24/02/09 BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour
